In the bachelor courses offered by DDF, students will learn the core skills of architectural geometry, strongly integrated with digital techniques and computational design processes. Rather than a “step-by-step” methodology, where students first learn analogue and subsequently digital techniques, the courses adopt a methodology that favour cross-pollination and integrative workflows.
This offers students not only the basic understanding of architectural geometry and geometric construction but also varied techniques and the ability to take advantage of state-of-the-art digital design processes and adopt them into their design vocabulary. In the bachelor courses offered by DDF, students will learn the core skills of architectural geometry, strongly integrated with digital techniques and computational design processes. Rather than a “step-by-step” methodology, where students first learn analogue and subsequently digital techniques, the courses adopt a methodology that favour cross-pollination and integrative workflows. This offers students not only the basic understanding of architectural geometry and geometric construction but also varied techniques and the ability to take advantage of state-of-the-art digital design processes and adopt them into their design vocabulary.
Current Bachelor Courses

Previous Bachelor Courses

Integrative Digital Methods
Bachelor Course
SS24 - LV1720802

Explorative Digital Methods
Bachelor Course
WS23/24 - LV1720803

Nail It
Seminar Week
SS23 - LV1720810