Complete list of publications & output
Zanetti, E., Witt, V., Fuentes, J. and Dörstelmann, M. (2025 - in press) ‘Digital Upcycling: Transforming Waste Wood for Circular Construction Through Digital Strategies’, in Designing Change. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture. Acadia 2024, Banff, Canada.
Fischer, D.L., Hausser, T., Witt, V., Kranz, F., La Magna, R. and Dörstelmann, M. (2024) ‘AR-enabled circular construction of a computationally designed reclaimed wood shell structure.’, in Proceedings of the IASS 2024 Symposium. IASS 2024, Zurich, Switzerland.
Nehr, S., Montnacher, M., Hosch, M., Fuentes, J., Zanetti, E. and Dörstelmann, M. (2024) ‘Digital Wicker: Interdisciplinary and Research-Informed Teaching Concepts exemplified Through Textile Fabrication Processes for Willow Structures’, in B. Widera, M. Rudnicka-Bogusz, J. Onyszkiewicz, and A. Woźniczka (eds) PLEA 2024: (Re)thinking Resilience. The book of proceedings. Wrocław: Politechnika Wrocławska, Oficyna Wydawnicza. Available at:
Olah, E., Zareian, M. and Dörstelmann, M. (2024 - in press) ‘Synergising Natural Material Complexity and Low-Impact Automation’, in Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2024. ROB|ARCH 2024, Toronto, Canada.
Zanetti, E., Olah, E., Hausser, T., Fischer, D., Casalnuovo, G., Zareian, M., La Magna, R. and Dörstelmann, M. (2024) ‘ReGrow Willow - Digital Circular Construction for Earth-Willow Hybrid Structures’, in M. Ramsgaard Thomsen, P. Ayres, B. Sheil, and M. Skavara (eds). Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures, UCL Press. Available at:
Casalnuovo, G., Zanetti, E., Haußer, T., Dörstelmann, M. and La Magna, R. (2023) ‘Digital Structural Design for Natural Composites: A Case Study of Willow-Earth Hybrid Construction’, in A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, and M. Swackhamer (eds) Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-material Economy. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture. Acadia 2023, Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), pp. 282–292.
Witt, V., Knopf, P., Zanetti, E., Wenzel, B. and Dörstelmann, M. (2023) ‘Textile steel - Experimental investigations of textile fabrication processes for steel shell and lattice structures’, in Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia, pp. 1320–1330.
Zanetti, E., Olah, E., Haußer, T., Casalnuovo, G., La Magna, R. and Dörstelmann, M. (2023) ‘InterTwig—Willow and Earth Composites for Digital Circular Construction’, in M.R. Thomsen, C. Ratti, and M. Tamke (eds) Design for Rethinking Resources. Springer International Publishing (Sustainable Development Goals Series), pp. 491–511. Available at:
Hebel, D.E., Heisel, F., Wagner, A. and Dörstelmann, M. (2023) Building better - less - different: clean energy transition and digital transformation: fundamentals, case studies, strategies. 1st edn. Birkhäuser.
Dörstelmann, M. (2024) ‘Digitale Fabrikation im Kontext biologischer Baumaterialien’, in D. E. Hebel, S. Böhm, and E. Boerman, Vom Bauen mit erneuerbaren Materialien - Die Natur als Rohstofflager. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, pp. 177–191. Available at: 10.51202/9783738809077-177.
Dörstelmann, M. (2023) ‘Digital Transformation. A Techno-optimistic Outlook’, in F. Heisel and D. E. Hebel, Building Better - Less - Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation. Birkhäuser, pp. 24–25.
Dörstelmann, M. (2023) ‘Less – Digitally Customized Construction’, in F. Heisel and D. E. Hebel, Building Better - Less - Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation. Birkhäuser, pp. 75–76.
Dörstelmann, M., Fischer, D., Fuentes, J., Olah, E. and Zareian, M. (2023) ‘Recode Wicker’, in Zukunft Bau Pop-up Campus Aachen. Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), pp. 232–237.
Dörstelmann, M. and Witt, V. (2023) ‘Better – Digital Strategies for Reusing Building Materials’, in F. Heisel and D. E. Hebel, Building Better - Less - Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation. Birkhäuser, pp. 46–48.
Dörstelmann, M. and Zanetti, E. (2023) ‘Different – Innovation Fast Forward’, in F. Heisel and D. E. Hebel, Building Better - Less - Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation. Birkhäuser, pp. 107–108.
Fischer, D., Zanetti, E. and Dörstelmann, M. (2023) ‘Digital Craft and Circular Construction’, in F. Heisel, D. E. Hebel, A. Wagner, and M. Dörstelmann, Building Better - Less - Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation. 1st edn. Birkhäuser, pp. 110–115.
Herrmann, E., Kluth, V., Kraemer, L., Kühnhenrich, H., Rose, A. and Schlappat, O. (2023) ‘ReCode Wicker’, Deutsche Architekten Blatt (DAB) - Zukunft Bau Sonderheft 2023, p. 16.
Menßen-Franz, R. (2023) ‘Digitale Fertigungsverfahren erlauben Bauen mit Flachs und Weiden’, BIOPRO Magazin, 28 March. Available at: (Accessed: 27 November 2023).
Friedrich, J. (2022) ‘Weide und Erde. Am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie wird das Potenzial ungebräuchlich gewordener Materialien für ein kreislaufgerechtes Bauen mithilfe digitaler Entwurfs- und Fertigungsmethoden untersucht.’, Bauwelt, pp. 38–39.
Jörger, L. (2021) ‘Neue Tenure-Track Professur für Digital Design and Fabrication’, LookKIT.
.Archello (2024) TerraTimber | DDF . Available at: (Accessed: 1 October 2024).
Hadir Al Koshta (2024) TerraTimber / Professorship for Digital Design & Fabrication (DDF) + Professorship Design of Structures (dos) + Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), ArchDaily. Available at: (Accessed: 10 September 2024).
IDW Nachrichten (2024) Fachwerk neu interpretiert: Nachhaltige Architektur mit digitalen Bautechnologien. Available at: (Accessed: 11 September 2024).
Lux, Katharina. (2024). “Unter Lehm und Holzresten: Das kreislauffähige Deckensystem „Terra Timber“ - News - Baunetz Campus.”. Available at: (Accessed: 24 September 2024).
Paula Eggert (2024) ReGrow Willow: Digitales Bauen mit Weiden und Lehm, Baunetz Campus. Available at: (Accessed: 3 June 2024).
Tecture Mag (2024) Digital Upcycle Architecture Made from Recycled Wood and Earth - 廃木材と土による「デジタル・アップサイクル」建築, TECTURE MAG(テクチャーマガジン) | 空間デザイン・建築メディア. Available at: (Accessed: 8 October 2024).
Ravail Khan (2024) ‘“Regrow Willow” poses hybrid earth construction system strengthened with digital fabrication’, designboom | architecture & design magazine, 17 March. Available at: (Accessed: 3 June 2024).
Baernheim, P.M. (2023) Rethinking Resources at the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023, ArchDaily. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
Experimentelles Afterwork mit Vortrag “Digitale Bautechnologien für historische Baustoffe”’ (2023) TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
Menßen-Franz, R. (2023) Digitale Fertigungsverfahren erlauben Bauen mit Flachs und Weiden, Bioökonomie BW. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
Die neue Innovationswerkstatt mitten im Karlspark’ (2022) BEOS AG, 9 December. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
Friedrich, J. (2022) Weide und Erde, Bauwelt. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
Pawlik, N. (2022) Data Spaces - Gebauter Raum im digitalen Netz. Digitales Weidenflechten, Baunetz Campus. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
Zukunft Bau Pop-up Campus Projekt // Recode Wicker- Forschungsdemonstrator für digitales kreislaufgerechts Bauen mit Weide (2022) Zukunftbau. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2024).
ReGrow - Natural Resources in Digital Circular Construction (2023). Mannheim - Bundesgartenschau 2023.
Architekturgeometrie and Explorative Design Methods (2024). Karlsruhe - Department of Architecture - Karlsruhe Institute of Techology.
Digitales Nachhaltiges Bauen - Neuinterpretation natürlicher Baustoffe mittels digitaler Bautechnologien’ (2024). Architekturschaufenster, Karlsruhe.
ReSidence (2024). Landesgartenschau 2024 - Wangen im Allgäu.
TerraTimber (2024). Das Fest - Karlsruhe.
Architekturgeometrie, Explorative Design Methods and MatchMaking (2023). Karlsruhe - Department of Architecture - Karlsruhe Institute of Techology.
Coding Interactive Prototypen - part of Kamuna (2023). Karlsruhe - ZKM.
Nail It! (2023). Das Fest - Karlsruhe.
ReGrow Timber Canopy (2023). BUGA23 (Bundesgartenschau 2023) - Mannheim.
ReGrow Willow (2023). BUGA23 (Bundesgartenschau 2023) - Mannheim.
Reprogramming Wood Waste (2023).
Wissenswoche Architektur & Bautechnologie (2023).
Architekturgeometrie, Digital Design III and Textile Steel (2022). Karlsruhe - Department of Architecture - Karlsruhe Institute of Techology.
Campustag 2022 (2022). Karlsruhe - Department of Architecture - Karlsruhe Institute of Techology.
Digital Wicker (2022). Karlsruhe - Department of Architecture - Karlsruhe Institute of Techology.
Integrative Digital Methods (2022). Karlsruhe - Department of Architecture - Karlsruhe Institute of Techology.
InterTwig (2022). Das Fest - Karlsruhe.
RecodeWicker. Pop-Up Campus (2022). Aachen - Pop-Up Campus.
Robots that Build - Dutch Design Week (InterTwig and Digital Wicker) (2022). Eindhoven - Dutch Design Week.
Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen Baden-Württemberg (2024) ‘Innovationspreis “Lehmbaupreis BW”’. Available at:,Lehm%20als%20nachhaltigen%20Baustoff%20auseinandersetzen.
Robots in Architecture (Rob|Arch) 2024 (2024) ‘New Frontiers Award Winner’. Available at:
Acadia 2023 (2023) ‘Vanguard Award’. Available at:
Digital Futures (2023) ‘DigitalFUTURES Project Award 2023’. Available at:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2023) ‘Fakultätslehrpreis Architektur 2023’. Available at:
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (2023) ‘Landeslehrpreis 2023 - Kategorie: Innovation/Transformation’. Available at: