Global Threads
Reinterpreting international vernacular narratives for digital sustainable construction
M.Sc. | Summer Semester 2024 | LV1720805
Professur Digital Design and Fabrication
T.T. Prof. Moritz Dörstelmann, Fanny Kranz, Vincent Witt
A global transformation to a circular economy requires far-reaching changes in the construction sector. From a global perspective, the majority of future construction activity will take place in high growth regions, which therefore offer the largest potential for avoiding global emissions. Digital design and production methods can enable innovative concepts for the use of renewable and natural materials in the construction industry, thus opening up solutions to these global challenges based on digital and circular construction methods.
This studio focuses on the international context and looks at vernacular construction methods worldwide to learn from different cultural and architectural approaches. We look for inspiration from different regions and eras to understand the diversity, effectiveness and sustainability of traditional building methods and reinterpret them through digital building processes.
At the interface between research and teaching, we test experimental concepts of circular construction and investigate their potential for the design, component manufacture and assembly of buildings as well as their reutilization, dismantling and recyclability. Based on initial research into vernacular construction methods and natural materials worldwide as well as digital manufacturing processes, we develop digital construction processes within the respective context and investigate their architectural potential.