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Integrative Digital Methods

B.Sc. | Summer Semester 2023 | T-ARCH-111672

Professur Digital Design and Fabrication

T.T. Prof. Moritz Dörstelmann, Carolin Feldmann

The course trains the ability to effectively combine and apply analogue working strategies and digital methods in the design process.

Basic knowledge from architectural geometry is deepened and expanded through integrative digital methods, such as 3D modelling, renderings, image editing and layout, as well as 3D scanning and printing.

Three complimentary topics will introduce methods that reinforce previously learned content and further develop students' digital skills. The focus is on combining the different methods and teaching students how they can be used integratively in the design process to address complex challenges.


Professur Digital Design and Fabrication - DDF
Institute for Building Design and Technology - IEB Tenure-Track Professor Moritz Dörstelmann


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT
Division IV - Natural and Built Enviroment Department of Architecture


Tel: +49 721 608-46685

Englerstraße 7
Building 20.40

76131. Karlsruhe

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