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Studio ReGow Design

M.Sc. | Winter Semester 2022 -2023 | LV1720805

Professur Digital Design and Fabrication

T-T Professor Moritz Dörstelmann, Daniel Fischer, Eszter Olah, Erik Zanetti.

Professur Design of Structures

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Riccardo La Magna, Gianluca Casalnuovo, Tamara Haußer.

Our faculty has the opportunity to showcase its innovation potential at the Bundesgartenschau (BUGA) Mannheim 2023 in a format that has offered a platform for architectural innovations throughout its history, especially in the local context of Mannheim where Frei Otto realized the “Multihalle” for the BUGA in 1975.

Five KIT Professorships team up in an interdisciplinary cooperation to showcase a digital turn towards circular construction at the Buga23 in Mannheim. Our KIT Team will design and build three research demonstrators to showcase a comprehensive change towards a more sustainable built environment, focusing on circular material systems, digital design and fabrication technologies and functional integration of local energy harvesting as well as microclimatic adaptation concepts.

In the coming semester, we will take the first step and develop the overall design of the three demonstrator buildings and implement the first out of three structures through digital fabrication methods.

The design studio will build upon research results from our funded research project “ReGrow” and previous design studios “Digital Wicker”. Students will receive tutoring by various scientists in their respective fields of expertise as a base for the design development of the three research demonstrator buildings. In a second phase, we will develop the detailed design and fabrication data and bring the first out of three demonstrator buildings into reality through digital fabrication methods.


The studio is a collaboration between Professur “Digital Design and Fabrication” (DDF) and Professur “Design of Structures” (dos). With inputs from Professur “Bauphysik und Technischer Ausbau” (fbta), Group “Project and resource management of the built environment” at the “Institute for Industrial Production” (IIP) and the “Lichttechnisches Institut (LIT)”.


Professur Digital Design and Fabrication - DDF
Institute for Building Design and Technology - IEB Tenure-Track Professor Moritz Dörstelmann


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT
Division IV - Natural and Built Enviroment Department of Architecture


Tel: +49 721 608-46685

Englerstraße 7
Building 20.40

76131. Karlsruhe

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